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martes, 24 de enero de 2012

A Music Video You Like

 This music video I saw it across YOUTUBE and it is of Miley Cyrus is entitled The Climb.  I like this song since I saw Hanna Montana in the T.V. This music video is one of my favourites because they show beautiful images and makes us think of the difficult moments that the life has and since we must continue forward. 
The music video is one really for me symbolizes to advance in the life and I like the visual effects that it contains. I know that they exist many detractors that they do not like this type of music but to my if I like especially when there is content in what it tries to transmit.
Also I like music videos of different musical styles, I do not centre on an alone style, for example, I like nirvana, the cranberries, alanis, elvis between others. One of my favorite music video is the cranberries that is titled The Animal Instinct because it shows to a mother that they take his children from him because she works and it did not have in spite of whom leaving them So she kidnaps them and one leads them to living with her for the world in spite of the fact that the police the search and it does not have money, because she loves his children and wants to be with them.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

A Concert

I went to the concert of my favourite band The Cranberries years ago I believe that it was in the year 2010 in the dome of the park O’ Higgins in the Movistar Arena. This day I was with my elder sister Beatriz, we had entry for court VIP. We come early and already there were people in the row, this day was making heat great because it was in the summer but we to amuse ourselves were singing the songs.
After many hours the row we could enter, but since there were many people, we had to run to manage to be in the second row, opposite to the scene. The concert was very good, we sing, jump, shout, spend it very well, with so many riots it was making heat great but we had ranges so it was of relief.
I still remember this concert that was first one of my concerts and was very nice because I shared with my sister this day, both we spend it very well and remain exhausted. Though the most graceful and massive concert that I was, was in the Madonna Tours because there were many rare people and of all the types.

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Chinese Horoscope

My zodiacal sign is Piscean and in my Chinese Horoscope I’m a horse. I always check the horoscope of the newspapers and magazines but I never read the Chinese horoscope. In the web site Chinese zodiac it appears that the horse is of character traits as strength, energy, and an outgoing nature and extremely animated that is similar to me. Also it is true that the Horses ploughs honest, friendly and open-minded but with the health I do not coincide because he says that the horses are healthy but I am very sickly. Concern of the relations the horses  tend to give themselves fully in each new relationship to quality that ends up chipping away at their inner being. Fortunately, this exhausting trait mellows with age and relationships ploughs stronger and dwell stable later in life I do not know if it is true because only I hope that it me is OK in the loving thing. As for the Career I am not interested really because I believe that one always achieves what wants if it strains. The Chinese horoscope they divide to the horse in 5 elements according to the year of birth I would be Metal Horse. 

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

My Christmas 2011

The Christmas I was with my family, we celebrate always all assembled in family the night good at our house, as every year.  We ate roast meat, chicken, rice, salads and we drank drinks of fantasy and wine. Of dessert we ate ice cream with sauce of chocolate and after the dinner in the table there were sweets, potato fried, chocolates and more drinks. Also we sing Christmas carols of Christmas and we were grateful the good things of the life. In the Christmas at 12 o’clock we open the gifts with great emotion and happiness.
I received many gifts but that more I like it was that we all were united. My small brother received many toys so all of us play with the toys of my brother It was very entertaining. We play with false pistols at shooting to the tins.  I him give gifts to my family and to my grandparents and friends. Also I received gifts of my friends so it was a beautiful Christmas.
I like the Christmas because it is a pretty day to be in family and to give many love to all for my all the Christmas is magic and very special. 

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

My Christmas

I remember many Christmas. I like the Christmas. When I was 8 years I writhed to the Santa Claus my letter, the letter tape worm written my desires for the Christmas. This Christmas spends it with my family in this then only were, my dad, my mom, my sister beatriz, I and my brother leonel, but my small brother Nacho even had not born. Always we go to bed in the bed to sleep in the evening not to remain slept in the night but I always was nervous and thrilled because of it I was difficult to me to sleep in the evening. In the night of the 24th  we together to eating. We were supping chicken, meat and salads, we were drinking drink, while we saw the mass or were listening to Christmas carols. The gifts that I received of the Saint Claus were great, for example a wrist barbie, skates and others that I do not remember. In addition they were giving us games that we could use between 3 brothers as consoles. After good Night, in Christmas we were playing and going out to the street or in the courtyard to play with the toys and gifts. I remember that all the children of the neighborhood were going out with his gifts to play, it was very beautiful.!!! 

The feelings

If I had to write hundred or thousand words it would be on the feelings that we experience. There are days bad but not completely bad days because even though we happen for problems always we can smile and enjoy the life. I believe that the important thing is to enjoy what we have and to be grateful because of it, in the life always persons exist with better or worse luck that one itself. Sometimes we cry, in other occasions we laugh, but the feelings are a part of living, and are valuable and magic. Without emotions we would be like robots.. 

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

the photo

This photo is from about 2010. This photo is my favorite in a gathering the friends because we were every happiness in the Park of the sculptures situated in the Commune the Providencia, city of Santiago, Chile.  Were me, Francisco, Natalia, José, Carolina, Camila, Hans, Rene1 and Rene2 in the photograph. We us meet for play, smile, sing, run, talk and eat in community because we were a groups the friends young s with very energy for to share. This photo represents the friendship of the young persons that we have the children's heart because all of us are very infantile. When we us get together to play always we end up by running, singing and aveces dancing, in this photography we were in a sculpture where nobody is raised, for lucky they did not challenge us the guardians. This day we ate cookies, sweet and we drank juice and drink.