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martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Chinese Horoscope

My zodiacal sign is Piscean and in my Chinese Horoscope I’m a horse. I always check the horoscope of the newspapers and magazines but I never read the Chinese horoscope. In the web site Chinese zodiac it appears that the horse is of character traits as strength, energy, and an outgoing nature and extremely animated that is similar to me. Also it is true that the Horses ploughs honest, friendly and open-minded but with the health I do not coincide because he says that the horses are healthy but I am very sickly. Concern of the relations the horses  tend to give themselves fully in each new relationship to quality that ends up chipping away at their inner being. Fortunately, this exhausting trait mellows with age and relationships ploughs stronger and dwell stable later in life I do not know if it is true because only I hope that it me is OK in the loving thing. As for the Career I am not interested really because I believe that one always achieves what wants if it strains. The Chinese horoscope they divide to the horse in 5 elements according to the year of birth I would be Metal Horse. 

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