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martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

the photo

This photo is from about 2010. This photo is my favorite in a gathering the friends because we were every happiness in the Park of the sculptures situated in the Commune the Providencia, city of Santiago, Chile.  Were me, Francisco, Natalia, José, Carolina, Camila, Hans, Rene1 and Rene2 in the photograph. We us meet for play, smile, sing, run, talk and eat in community because we were a groups the friends young s with very energy for to share. This photo represents the friendship of the young persons that we have the children's heart because all of us are very infantile. When we us get together to play always we end up by running, singing and aveces dancing, in this photography we were in a sculpture where nobody is raised, for lucky they did not challenge us the guardians. This day we ate cookies, sweet and we drank juice and drink. 

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